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Toukiden 1.06 Patch

THIS IS NOT ENGLISH PATCH !!! read carefully from the top until the bottom of this article , I'm not even stated that i'm sharing the English Patch so do not ask such question related to when this game get translation or why your game still in japanese language after patching your game. No hurt feeling if I'm not even publish your question related to that or even if you just doing spamming by your good for nothing comments (seriously it just wasting your time typing such comment) .


2 (New 8/10/2013)
3 (please read the details below)

pass: progamersdiary

Extract and create or rename the folder into NPJH50789 and put it in your PSP memory card's directory (X: PSP/GAME). In order to patch your game, you will need iso tool. Try googling the newest one, ISO Tool 1981.
Details and changelog can be seen on official website Toukiden

How To Patch ?

Well I guess i don't need to put the tutorial since patching using ISO Tools is quite easy but i see some people put this page to several forums and some people also have one and same comments like 'how to patch this ?'

First , make sure you already have the newest ISO Tools in your PSP Memory card (put it in X: PSP\GAME) also put the patch in the same directory where you put the ISO Tools. Like this (see the picture below). NPJH5789 's folder contains new patch for Toukiden (1.03)

Open the ISO Tools from your XMB menu on PSP and then choose the game that you want to patch , press O then choose game update , if you put the patch correctly then there will be notification to continue the patching process , select yes then wait until the patching finish. After that close the iso tools and play your game.

1.04 notes

Pardon for my fault, i mistakenly upload the incomplete update so all of my readers can't update the game properly. If you already download the update 1.04 , you can download the DATA folder above. extract the content inside and create new folder inside your patch folder like this NPJH50789/Data/ the contents with *.EDAT format. Patch with the latest ISO Tools then play it again. Enjoy !!

1.06 notes

I'm not uploading this patch , credit goes to Ledahgrim @ PSPISO (Community PSN Thread) (you can give him thanks for finding the update patch). Also I'm not testing this patch yet and i'm not playing this game anymore since there's a lot work i must to do IRL.
Changelog 1.06 :
  •  It seems they put the soul sacrifice DLC into this patch (no wonder the size is really different than other previous patch), but it says that's for PSVita only (sadly but i can understand since Soul sacrifice is Koei Tecmo PSVITA franchise, so they need more advertising from other game).
  • Some feature like re-balancing, multiplayer feature etc got new improvement.
DLC notes

Put in the same directory as update folder (X: PSP/GAME/). if it is the first time you playing using DLC then don't forget you will need nploader (again, google it to find it). There's some single player mission that you can access in solo mission on the 1st DLC.

2nd DLC contains my first upload and the rest DLC that i get from several Chinese website. 2nd DLC has yellow big head (helmet) & 2 or 3 mitamas on it (if i'm not wrong).

For the 3rd DLC i found it on here credit goes to Bixu (he also PSPISO member). The links said that it has 1st until 11th DLC's on it, well i don't have time to checking it until now so download and check it by yourself. ~ Enjoy ~
Compatibility with Emulator

The latest update version (1.04) also work smoothly with emulator like PPSSPP (already tested). 

2 komentar:

  1. gan apakah dlc diatas sudah termasuk dlc mitama ame no uzume,mochizuki chiyome,murasaki no ue dll dan equipment sako's tenko mask,famitsu helmet dll
    atau cuma dlc buat update gamenya?
    Maaf banyak nanya XD

    1. wah sorry saya gak inget, juga sudah nggak main lagi ... eniwei ini toukiden yang biasa yah bukan yang kiwami
