I already complete two from total four (it seems) routes in Shin Megami Tensei IV games. While I'm doing my 2nd play through, I'm gonna share some tricks that I make by myself :
- · Scouting a Demon: Scouting a demon in Shin Megami Tensei IV can be very tricky. Some of them may easily join your party or the rest may cheats you and throw you into some disadvantages (such as losing macca, items, HP/MP etc). You don’t need to always obey whatever the demon ask, as for me this is the method that works almost 80% success (including luck and influences of gauntlet apps )
Demon (ask some macca)
-> Negotiate Normally
Demon ask items/macca
(1st turn) -> comply/cheat (only one turn)
If comply (always success)/cheat
success (50:50) :
Demon ask items/macca
(2nd turn) -> Refuse
Refuse always work in 2nd turn (sometimes you can refuse two times from 1st turn)
Refuse always work in 2nd turn (sometimes you can refuse two times from 1st turn)
Demon ask items/macca
(3rd turn) -> End talks (it always ended sucessful)
Well you can determine by yourself which answers that you
want to replied as long as you remember this :
Comply can be use minimal 1 time (don’t ever think for 2
times because sometimes the demon will cheat you), Cheat can be use maximal 1
time (more than one: there’s a chance that you will fail the scouting), Refuse
can be use 2 times but 1 time also effective to combine with end talks that
lead you to successfully scouting the demon.
For example : Negotiate Normally>Cheat>Refuse>End
Talk or Negotiate Normally>Comply>Refuse>End Talk
Also the rest of conversation depends on how you replied,
sometimes you must remember the characteristic for each types of Demons.
more advance method
Make sure to upgrade your scout apps by
buying scout +, scout gift & scout bonus, because it will give you more benefit than using
normal scout. More can be read on
here http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_Shin_Megami_Tensei_IV_Apps
- Hunting some Macca: Macca is the only currency in Shin Megami Tensei IV, sometimes we will get it by completing some quests, selling any items in our inventory & using certain apps like scout bonus or fundraise. I already show you for scout bonus in scout a demon section, so there’s no reason to explain it again. As for Fundraise also require some strategy because it’s not like scout bonus that always give you macca, Fundraise also have a chance to fail.
- Well this is my strategy using Fundraise:
- For small demons it will give you small amount of macca too, so make sure you find some big shot demons or taking any quest where you can slay a boss demon.
- For draining a boss demon macca you will need some strategy (at least to prevent something that put you into some disadvantage). Boss Demon can’t be analyze, so make sure you know his/her skills by receiving first attack or read in wikis or any sites that provide some info about the Boss Demon. If most of them are physical/magical then make sure you have demons that using Tetrakarn/Makarakarn skills. After put yourself in physical/magical protection then you can use fundraise many times until the boss demon mad without any harm.
- This strategy also can be combined with scout a demon method (also with scout + & scout bonus), but you need to fundraise first before scouting a demon. If you success scouting a demon after fundraising, you will also got extra macca from scout + & scout bonus as multiplier. Simply said: Suck Em’ Dry!!
- Using Fundraise Without Fail
- There's another method using fundraise without fail but the amount of macca that you get may less than the method that I already explained above. Before using fundraise, you can use shivering taboo skill to enemies (it's also effective against demon with parties/not horde but can't effective against boss demon).
- You can suck them dry without fail, but there's no chance the demon will fully given up like my first method (without shivering taboo). As for comparison, this is more and less for amount macca that you will get using some methods:
- normal fundraise: you will get minimum more than hundred until 1000 or 2000 macca, also if the demon given up from the beginning you will get 2000 until 6000 macca (from my experience).
- shivering taboo + fundraise: you will get more than a hundred until 1000 or less than 3000 macca (so far I've played my 2nd cycle. it also depends on demons level).There's also no chance for demon given up from the first time.
- Gonna update the rest tips later, only if I found something interesting.
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