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Cannot Access Serial Port: The First Half Worst Problem

Publishing some new article in other language beside my own country language is very vexing, I must put some extra effort especially re-read again the article before I feel ready to publish it and usually some moods that move me to make the English language article. It's because my previous blog (progamersdiary) got recognizing from all of my foreign readers that I thought writing in this language is not bad after all (it's just my crappy English that gonna make all of my English teachers crying in despair). Oh well, today's article is not gonna talk about that but a little bit related to that.

Ok let's go to main point, I've got a problem with my Internet Connection last week, usually I'm using USB Internet modem to browsing & etc , for unknown reason my computer cannot recognize the USB modem, it always give a notification 'Cannot Access Serial Port', Some Troubleshooting sites give advice that I must try all USB port in my computer. I already tried that but sadly it's not work, uninstalling the driver also not work and because of that problem slow but sure my computer also can't recognize some of my device such as card reader and my Playstation Portable.

That's sure very annoying and the solution that I got to get rid this is somewhat very annoying too, finally I re-install my 64 bit Windows 7 with 32 bit version. I can said that's very annoying because I'm very lazy to re-install all of drivers (only CPU & VGA drivers that I install up till now). By now that's the recommended solution to get rid the Cannot Access Serial Port, I'm still searching some factors that may cause that problem and another solution beside re-install the OS.

notes: The bright side point of view re-install my OS is finally I can get rid the 64 bit OS with a good reason, I really doesn't like this version, some of programs on my computer can't work with that version.  

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