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About Me

Welcome To Sephiawind !!!

Ah yeah I still dunno what I'm going to write in this page but that should be related about this blog. My name Sephiawind (of course not real name), better known as the owner of this blog Yeah you can see the contents inside, most of the articles are written in Indonesian language and the rest are written in English but not as many as the Indonesian language.

Yeah I'm Indonesian but can also speak in English (although not that good as any friends from same country), oh well I guess it doesn't matter as long as we can communicate very well. My true intention by creating this blog is to fully write an English articles for all readers around the world (hopefully i can keep my consistency). Actually I could do it in my old blog, but different blog name make me set new vision-mission and also the goal for this blog. The same like my old blog, I'm not going to focus on one kind article but many kind article that I only really like (simply said I only post whatever I like).

Also thanks to my foreigner readers that I could realize this new blog plan, communicating to all of you make me confident to give a birth Sephiawind into the real world (believe me , I'm a man but as long as write this my sentiment take over my mind).  I think that's all I want to said now , though I'm not sure any of you will read this page.

~ Sephiawind ~

Oh yeah also, right now I don't have any routines activity in some forums, so any other guys that using the same 'Sephiawind' nickname like me absolutely is not me, FYI in some Indonesian discussion forums (Kaskus & Neokg) I'm using madZblader nickname (also in Gamefaqs), while in foreign forums (Henshin Justice Unlimited/HJU) I'm using Sephiawind nickname (but not an active member anymore). Well simply one Sephiawind that run Sephiawind & Progamersdiary blog only have daily duty on his blog after all.