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Torchlight 2 Custom Build: The Outlander

Demon Hunter
Plays in normal using Synergiesmod & Torchlight 2 Enhanced

Venomous Hail, Glaive Sweep, Shadow Shot, Stone Pact, Shadowling Brute

Long Range Mastery, Dodge Mastery, Poison Burst, Master of The Elements, Shadowling Ammo, Death Ritual,

Character Stats
Dexterity, Focus & Vitality

Primary Equip/Weapon
Weapon: Bow

How To Play With This Build
Recently I watched Arrow the series and it makes me inspired to play as Outlander, Well I’m not the avid fans of range attack with bow so I make this build with purpose it can plays well as the long range & keep the distance from melee mobs.

The main attack skill for my build is Shadow Shot, why I choose this over any skill like Chaos Burst, Rapid Fire, Tangling Shot or Glaive Throw (that available on the first level) is the more skill points that I spend to increase the tiers the more mobs get the bullets or at least I only risking for one bullet that gonna miss the mobs.
For The Ultimate attack I chose Venomous Hail & Shadowling Brute, as for the name Venomous Hail contains poison and it has very good range compare to any poison active skills. Make sure you also spends more points for Poison Burst & Master of The Elements passive skills to increase the poison damage.

For the Shadowling Brute, It’s not my purpose to create summoner Outlander but sometimes the situation can become ugly so adding skill points for additional summoned creature is worth like I also added Shadowling Ammo and Death Ritual passive skills to increase the chance more attacker is more good than do it alone.

So Far I played as Outlander, I discover that playing as melee is not that good with this job, so if things get ugly with mobs within melee range make sure you spend more points for Dodge mastery as passive skills and Dexterity Stat Points to increase not only critical but chance to dodge the mobs attack. As for the active Glaive Sweep can make the mobs knockback from the melee range and don’t forget to cast Stone Pact if things not easier than you predict.

Torchlight 2 Custom Build: The Berserker

Build Wolf Mage/ Range Berserker
Plays in veteran using mod synergiesmod (latest update), Torchlight 2 Enhanced, Phanjam Soundpack, Diablo Complete Pack (for the UI)

Howl, Battle Rage, Storm Hatchet, Ice shield
Shadowbind, Battle Standard, Glacial Shatter 

Blood Hunger, Rampage, Cold steel Mastery
Frenzy Mastery, Shred Armor 

Character stats
Mainly focusing on focus in order to increase magical damage since the primary skill that I used is storm hatchet only.

Primary equip/weapon
Any items with mana recovery is good enough

How to Play with this build
Well as you can see my build is focus on range damaging, So far so good it’s not really good having this build battle on melee range or any mobs with paralyze & slow debuff so make sure you keep the distance between them or if they force to make a battle in melee distance make sure you powered up yourself with buff such as battle standar, battle rage and ice shield.

When you attack small mobs in a distance you can use shadowbind (since it has pretty good range) then throw them up with storm hatchet. When you in melee range you can use Ice Shield first to cover your ass then use howl & Shadowbind, then throw them with storm hatchet or any skills/melee hit.  

Additional Update: In order to make it as good range build I also add Glacial Shatter, well it's not connected with Shadowbind, you can use combination of Battle Rage, Battle Standar & Howl to make Glacial Shatter more stronger.