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[Tutorial] Audacitiy : How to Trim Your Music File

Almost 3 years ago I already make trimming mp3 file in Indonesian language. Back then I was using Free Trim Mp3 which is free but has a lot of minus on it such as can't save it on mp3 format. Well I'm not gonna blame that weakness of Free Trim Mp3, because every good and free software's are rarely available for free (I mean legal not some kind of crack downloads). Well it doesn't mean there's no free software with a lot of good features, for example like today that I'm gonna share with you how to trim your music file using Audacity.  


Garo Honoo no Kokuin: Character Names & Plot Revealed

A few days ago official sites Garo Project make an update that revealed some character silhouettes (probably the protagonist) for the new anime Garo Honoo no Kokuin that will release on fall this year (still there's no exact date).


Raiga ~ Tusk of Thunder - JAM Project (TV Size)



'Raiga ~  Tusk of Thunder is a 2nd opening for tokusatsu series, Garo Makai no Hana.


Yasasisha no Tsubomi - Faylan (Ending Song Garo Makai no Hana)


Yasasisha no Tsubomi is the first ending song for Garo : Makai no Hana sung by Faylan before it has replaced by 'My Memory, Your Memory' sung by Masami Okui in Garo : Makai no Hana episode 13.